Let Me Be
Let the water flow
Bubble and babble over my heart and my mind.
Wash away the day
Wash the thoughts from my ever racing, ever working mind.
Let me be calm
Feel the breath from my lungs penetrate my body and awaken my light.
Feel the day and accept it
Feel the feelings and let them float on, they have no place here.
Let me be aware
Notice my tensions and let them soften.
Notice my thoughts and look at them with curiosity not frustration or worry
Notice my body. Every part. Toes are alive, hands are present, arms are heavy, face is taught.
Let me flow
Flow with the water that is my life
Flow with the changes, and flow with the challenges
Let me flow with acceptance for what comes my way.
Let me accept
Believe that my life has a purpose and the challenges of my day are part of that existence
Trust that this too will be OK
Remember that I am capable, loving, willing
Today does not define my life.
I do not control my life
I breathe. I notice. I flow. I accept what comes my way.
Water flows and covers me. Covers my body, my face, my mind and my heart.
I exhale and feel the bubbles of my breath on liquid. For a moment I am still, submerged and curious.
As I rise, I release the day, ready for what tomorrow will bring.